¿De verdad sanan los chamanes? Etnografía de cantos, vuelos y búsquedas de salud.

This article presents a visual and narrative approach to different healing rituals registered in Mexico and Chile, in years 2005 and 2007, respectively. The guiding question for this narration talks about the therapeutic itineraries that comes with the search of shamans, in the field as in the city, and mainly, about the place adopted by the observer into the wellness recovering process, attempting to build over the common suspicions of the observed-observer relationship, the connection established between those who accept the participation of an “other” and the will of that one to enter into the gravitational field produced by the “symbolic efficacy”, through the common desire of putting an end to the suffering of somebody else.

Palabras Claves
Medical Anthropology
Traditional Medicine
Symbolic Efficacy
Alejandra Carreño. Antropóloga Social.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 10 - Santiago, diciembre 2007 - 163/188 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.