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This article presents, in an experimental and essay-like style, some elements, chats, methodologies and sensations that ocurred during the realization of a partipatory research about the Cuadrillas de San Martín, based on a research hotbed with local youngsters, coordinated by the author of the article, with the support of the Inmaterial Cultural Patrimony Group of the Colombian Ministery of Culture. This research was held during the second semester of 2013. Based on converstions held with habitants of San Martín, with the bibliographical coverage and with the experience of the researcher himself, the article shares some free and evocative brush-strokes that invite the reader to open a narrative and visual window to the cultural manifestation known as Cuadrillas de San Martín, as a component of the complex cultural system known as “cultura llanera” (being the llanos the region that comprehends the Orinoco basin, shared by Colombia and Venezuela.

Palabras Claves
cultura llanera
research hotbed
applied visual anthropology.
Carlos Cárdenas Ángel. Antropólogo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, con Magister en Antropología Social en la Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brasil), consultor e investigador social con énfasis en la Antropología audiovisual.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 23 - Santiago, junio 2014 - 192/211 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.