La Cibermovilización como Estrategia de Resistencia: El Caso de los Pueblos Originarios.

In the present article an analysis is made of the use of Internet as weapon of denunciation on the part of the original towns of Latin America within the context of the actions of the calls "groups antiglobalización". In order to understand the arrival of indigenous to the cyberspace this work is framed within the emergent of Internet and the arrival of alternative organizations in opposition to the neoliberal system.

Palabras Claves
Indigenous organizations
the Internet
visual representations.
Fernando Camacho Padilla. Licenciado en Historia de América, Universidad de Sevilla.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 5 - Santiago, Julio 2005 - 28/43 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.