Antropología e imagen en y desde la periferia.

The work area knows as “visual anthropology” come under review trying to understand and analyze his epistemological, theoric and methodological approach, to evaluate, in some ways, his gnoseologic validity in the field of anthropology. This review will start in reflections that appear when the anthropologist recourse to the audiovisual medias in his work practices. In between this problems are: the construction as the object of study, the pertinence of the concept of the “other”, the social transference of scientific knowledgment and specially the sense of the anthropological practices (with and with out audiovisual medias) in and from the South. We propose some questions in relation with this topics and the necessity to approach to it. In function of create alternatives strategies for an anthropological audiovisual production. Able to contemplate the real needs of this parts of the world and always inscribed in the theoric-methodologic frames of the anthropology.


Palabras Claves
visual anthropology
anthropological theory
anthropology of the South
Marián Moya, Camila Alvarez, Paulo Campano, Débora Lanzeni & Soledad Torres Grupo de Antropología y Medios Audiovisuales Integrado por: CAS-IDES / UBA
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 8 - Santiago, diciembre 2006 - 111/120 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.