De Ciudad de Dios a Isla Maciel. ¿La fotografía como medio de ascenso social? El caso de Julián: entre el documentalismo y la autorepresentación.

The present article dives in the relationship between auto-representation and documentalism, in the photographies taken by a young inhabitant of a scarce resources neighborhood situated in the south surroundings of Buenos Aires (Argentina), about drugs consumption of his pairs.

This work is part of a bigger interest: to interpret the way in which young people in poverty situation represent dinamically themselves and their pairs in relation with youth, poverty, crime, drugs and violence, among others.

In that sense, the analisis of the production and circulation of his photographies was of great utility -in the context of a photographic workshop- allowing the interpretation of tensions and negotiations related to their use and their senses for the different groups of actors. We found a parallelism between the photographic process (act-product) and the social representations (representations-practices), adressing the dialectical movement between both moments of each process.

Palabras Claves
Ana D´Angelo. Fotoperiodista. Lic. en Antropología, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 11 - Santiago, junio 2008 - 75/92 pp. - ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.