Baldosas contra el olvido: las prácticas de la memoria y su construcción audiovisual.

Based on the idea of MacDougall to analyze what non-visible cultural’s aspects, can be accessible where the visible becomes a road to the non-visible, this article proposes to give an account of a filmic research strategy that away from the classical methodology. As part of an investigation on Image and Memory I analyze the production of "tiles from memory" exists in some roads in Buenos Aires, a phenomenon around which reflect from filmic workshop given in 2008. The workshop’s process and its results were used to explore first the processes that lead to the construction of the gaze based in a "outsourced filmic research” and second, about the performative aspects of the issue.

Palabras Claves
filmic research.
Carmen Guarini. Investigadora CONICET / Docente Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 15 - Santiago, agosto 2010 - 126/144 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.