Tendencias y características en el audiovisual de tema indígena: El caso de Costa Rica.

The aim of this article is to establish the general characteristics of the Costa Rican audiovisual production of indigenous issues. For this purpose, it addresses how each of the indigenous peoples of Costa Rica has been represented in this works. In the text, it is argued that Costa Rican audiovisual productions manifest a tendency to homogenize and stereotype indigenous people and their culture. This can be seen mainly in the fact that the Bribri people are the favorite indigenous group of audiovisual producers, while the others have been marginalized. This in turn has caused that some indigenous traditions have become more sophisticated. The invention of cultural attractions has also occurred. The goal is to become more attractive and be included in the videos and, consequently, in the tourist marketing.

Palabras Claves
Costa Rican indigenous
audiovisual materials
audiovisual representation.
Guillermo González Campos. Especialista en Estudios del Lenguaje, la Comunicación y el Discurso. Docente e investigador de la Sede del Atlántico de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Coautor del texto Las miradas con que vemos (Bolaños y González, 2010).
Bernardo Bolaños Esquivel. Sociólogo, docente e investigador de la Sede del Atlántico de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Coautor del libro Las miradas con que vemos (Bolaños y González, 2010).
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 20 - Santiago, diciembre 2012 - 38/55 pp. - ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.