Decibelios, experiencia y (re)presentación. Derivas metodológicas hacia el estudio del paisaje sonoro.

Based on three research projects that have explored the soundscape of the city of Cali since 2008 (Cali Soundscape, Cali sound postcards and Sound and the ordering of a territory) this article presents the methodology developed in each project, the conclusions and the appropriateness of integrating both quantitative and qualitative approaches in a multidisciplinary framework. These findings serve as a methodological background and point of departure for a case study (in progress): Sound as cultural heritage in urban space: digital cartographies for the preservation of the sono-spatial memory of the graphic arts industry in the San Nicolás neighborhood (Santiago de Cali, 1894 – 2013). The project is funded by Colciencias and groups a team of architects, anthropologists, sociologists and historians that aim at approaching the phenomenon of urban sound in an interdisciplinary manner.

Palabras Claves
Sonic environment
Joaquín Llorca. Arquitecto y músico, profesor del Departamento de Humanidades de la Universidad Icesi, Cali.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 23 - Santiago, junio 2014 - 166/191 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.