Isla do Marajó: una etnografía detrás de las fotografías de Luiz Braga.

The artist Luiz Braga made several aesthetic experiments, from his black and white photos, the Night Vision series, and his color photographs. However, color does not appear only in his work, but is in close dialogue with Cabocla culture. For this article, two photographs by Luiz Braga, Barqueiro azul (1992) and Ponta d'Areia (1988), superimposed on the culture category Cabocla were analyzed. In addition to the dialogue between the third photograph by Luiz Braga, Curipira, (2018) and my audiovisual/ethnographic production carried out on Marajo Island in May 2018. The main contribution of this research is an investigation of Luiz Braga’s photos from a socio-anthropological approach.


Palabras Claves
Luiz Braga
Marajo Island.
Alysson Camargo. Estudiante de maestría en Antropología Social, Universidad Federal de Goiás (PPGAS/UFG). Beca de maestría por el Fondo de Apoyo a la Investigación del Estado de Goiás (FAPEG). Historiador del arte, Universidad de Brasilia (UnB).
Revista de Antropología Visual - número 30 - Santiago, 2022 -1/15 pp.- ISSN 2452-5189