La transposición estética de la imagen del nativo Mapuche: Del texto literario a la imagen cinemática.

The short film Wichan: El Juicio (“The Trial”) made by Magaly Meneses (1994) has become one of the most important visual testimonies of the culture and traditions of the Mapuche world, inaugurating a powerful and verisimilar ethnic identity. In this work a reflection is made around the visual tools and procedures used by this director the transposition of the literary text by Pascual Coña to the film image of this short. An analysis is made of how the aforementioned visual tools and procedures operate around the narrative and drama, considering how a new aesthetic of the Mapuche character is established, through the process of text – image transposition, but which achieves to materialize the testimonial and cultural value of the ethnographic data given by Pascual Coña.

Margarita Alvarado.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 6 - Santiago, diciembre 2005 - 116 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.