Un caso fotográfico a la luz de los viajes de Martín Gusinde a Tierra del Fuego.

The present article corresponds to a part of a chapter of my doctoral thesis “Image, materiality, reception. Martin Gusinde's pictures of Tierra del Fuego 1918-1924 ". In the above mentioned chapter I selected 40 photographies (of a whole of 1000 pictures) of the photographic file bequeathed by Martin Gusinde to the Instituo Anthropos in Germany. The photographies were taken between the year 1918 and 1924 during four trips realized by Gusinde to different localities of Tierra del Fuego. For it I analyzed in diverse levels the photographic image and its materiality attending to the following fundamental questions: is it possible to peel the photographic image beyond his visual margin? Which histories are tied to the photographies in its quality of material objects that circulated with Gusinde during his trips?.

The article centers in the interpretation of a photography taken by Martin Gusinde on the course of his second trip of investigation to Tierra del Fuego (1919-1920). The methodological aim is to present a microhistorical analysis of this photographic case in the context of Gusinde's fieldwork and to explore his potential aptitude to narrate histories. Along the presentation I expect to be able to reveal the complexities and analytical potentials that the photography (re) presents as historical document in joint with other documentary fragments of the past. The preliminary conclusion passes for affirming the possibility of realizing a dense reading of the photographies since they really " tell histories" not only tied with the world of the photographer but also with those of the photographed ones.

Palabras Claves
Photography as historical document
Martin Gusinde
Tierra del Fuego.
Marisol Palma. Doctora en Historia. Investigadora Facultad de Historia y Filosofía Universidad de Leipzig.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 6 - Santiago, diciembre 2005 - 102/114 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.