Una apuesta a repensar el documental dentro de las nuevas narrativas transmediales e interactivas.

The principal objective of this article is to approach the interactive and transmedia documentary as a new narrative practice constructed through other narratives composed by different registers (textual, visual, sounds, blogs, websites) that allows the potential for an interactive, multilinear and multifocal narrative. From this perspective, I am located in a reflection about the possibilities of producing knowledge from the mixed media. I understand the documentary practice and the ethnography as forms where theory, research and creation co-exist and are co-elaborated. At the same time I am interested in the interrogation on how this transmedial and interactive narratives are implicated in the emergence of new ways of understanding and approaching the documentary practice.

Palabras Claves
Documentary practice
transmedial and Interactive narrative
mix media.
Catalina Cortes Severino. Profesora de cátedra Universidad Javeriana, Colombia. Antropóloga, doctora en Antropología, Historia y Teoría Cultural, Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane del’ Universita di Siena, Italia.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 23 - Santiago, junio 2014 - 62/78 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.