Diálogos entre lo audio y lo visual más allá del video: explorando representaciones de diversidad cultural en la primera infancia en Bogotá.

This paper is part of a larger investigation on cultural diversity representations made by children in three kindergardens in Bogotá, two of which are attended by indigenous students and one by non-indigenous students. Under an ethnographic perspective, this article reflects on listening to musical archives as a source to promote the reflection and expression of children as the subject of research. Listening and visioning stand out as methodological alternatives to be used in research projects in which social representations made by certain communities might denote difficulties for one or other reason.

Palabras Claves
social diversity
early childhood
audiovisual anthropology
Marcela Pinilla. Antropóloga Universidad Nacional de Colombia, maestría en Antropología Social UFSC (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil.) Actualmente se desempeña como asesora externa del Ministerio de Cultura, Bogotá, Colombia.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 23 - Santiago, junio 2014 - 212/242 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.