La Segunda Revolución Interrumpida. Juan Guzmán y el caso de la fiebre aftosa. Un fotógrafo alemán en medio de la guerra en el campo mexicano.

Through the photographs of foot-and-mouth disease in Mexico, taken by the photojournalist Hans Gütman/ Juan Guzmán in 1947, this terrible pandemic and the inhumane handling it was given are analyzed. The study of this series of images, from the perspective of visual anthropology, reveals interesting contradictions in the development version of the Mexican government, which for the same reason published them in the magazine Mañana up to 5 years after the photographs were taken. Said “official” version defined foot-and-mouth disease as “an evil ghost” that took over the national cattle, “reason why it had to be exterminated” in order to lead Mexico “into economic and social progress”, a version that is tendentious and contrary to reality of the process revealed by these images.


Palabras Claves
Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Juan Guzmán.
Elisa Lipkau Henríquez. Licenciada en Historia por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Maestra en Antropología Visual por la Universidad de Londres, Goldsmiths College. https://0000-0003-3008-2484
Revista de Antropología Visual - número 29 - Santiago, 2021 -1/23 pp.- ISSN 2452-5189