De obreros a trabajadores. De campesinos a agricultores. La propaganda de la dictadura cívico-militar en El Mercurio (1973-1976).

This article deals with the propaganda generated by the Chilean civil-military dictatorship during 1973-1976, analyzing specifically the representation of the rural, mining and working-class world in inserts issued in El Mercurio through the analysis of images and identification of the symbols, concepts and characters which typifies the groups studied, also considering the context of their circulation. Several series of images from the propaganda campaigns of the regime are compiled, characterized and identified. In addition, it delves into the communicational policy of the dictatorship and how it generated guidelines that determined the production and intentionality of the inserts studied.


Palabras Claves
psychological warfare
national reconstruction
Millaray Cárcamo Hermosilla. Licenciada en Historia por la Universidad de Concepción. Magíster en Estudios de la Imagen por la Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
Revista de Antropología Visual - número 30 - Santiago, 2022 -1/20 pp.- ISSN 2452-5189