Fotografías de Juan Maino para el Programa Padres e Hijos: Una huella material del pasado reciente.

This article synthesize the main results of the research on the transit to the archive of a series of images on photographic slides. Created around the popular education program called "Parents and Children Program" of the Center for Research and Development of Education and whose authorship corresponds to Juan Maino Canales, photographer by trade and Detained Disappeared in the 70s in Chile, these images offer a singular vision of the world, due to the materiality of the support and also due to the historical moment they capture.


Palabras Claves
documentary photography
disappeared detainees
popular education.
María Alejandra Figueroa. Licenciada en Gestión de Información, Bibliotecología y Archivística, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Magíster en Estudios de la Imagen, Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
Revista de Antropología Visual - número 30 - Santiago, 2022 -1/15 pp.- ISSN 2452-5189