Mirándose en TV: Percepción de una Comunidad Mapuche sobre la Representación Audiovisual.

Audiovisual anthropology has worked on the subject of the Mapuche image in Chile from two angles, the construction of images and the analysis of these as documents. This article intends to propose a look at an actor who has been absent in these investigations, the spectator. The objective is then to give an account of the perception that the spectators of a Mapuche community have about the representation that has been made of their people in the audiovisual medium. For this they were taken a selection of videos that were shown and then, through personal and group interviews, their perception of them was collected.  

Palabras Claves
audiovisual anthropology
Samuel Linker. Licenciado en Antropología en la Universidad de Chile.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 4 - Santiago, julio 2004 - 65/85 pp. - ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.