El otro y el nosotros en el documental mapuche. Percepciones de una Comunidad Mapuche sobre la Imagen Audiovisual.

For social research, especially for the anthropology, the analyze and use of the visuals supports have been a permanent preoccupation, still more when it is about the representation of the indigenous cultures. This article approach to a fundamental player of the visual supports, who were unconsidered until now, the spectator.

For this investigation, have defined a particular context, a mapuche community in the IX region, where have exhibited a sample of the videos about the mapuche culture, then we have rescue the perception of the spectators about the movies, describing the relations between the documental and the people in the community.


Palabras Claves
visual anthropology
registers supports
Samuel Linker. Antropólogo Social. Investigador del Núcleo de Antropología Visual, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 8 - Santiago, diciembre 2006 - 75/93 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.