The ethnographic photography as support or trigger for memory. A experience of the glance.
The article analyzes the answers that the ethnographic photography of Grete Stern (1958-1964) causes at the moment to such people represented: the community Toba of the city of Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina. In this sense, it is centered in reception or recognition, the third of the three instances comprehending the image’s communicative process as information carrier.
This investigation is made possible by the intervention of the memory notion and the interrogative two formulation of key that work like analysis axes: of what there is memory when a photographic image is observed, and of whom it is the memory - in this visual case. That is to say, what supposes the act to remember through a photographic image? In this way the temporary meaning happens one of the cross-sectional aspects in the reading of the photography and constitutes one of the bases of the proposed descriptive-explanatory analysis.