Our Journal

The Journal of Visual Anthropology (RAV)—formerly the Chilean Journal of Visual Anthropology —is an annual, rolling-pass, electronic publication for scientific dissemination. RAV is published by the Diego Barros Arana Research Center, National Library, and National Cultural Heritage Service, part of the Ministry of Culture, Arts, and Heritage.

The journal's main objective is to publish articles and research related to visual anthropology and visual studies in general, from both Chile and the rest of Latin America. The works, which must be original and unpublished, should address topics related to the still or moving image and develop theoretical and/or methodological aspects of the relationship between image and culture. Of particular interest will be articles that refer to visual heritage, whether through photography and film collections, or images included in heritage texts. In this sense, priority will be given to works that provide critical and reflective knowledge about the importance of images in culture.

The journal's team is made up of the director, editorial board, editorial committee, editors, and designer. The director's duties include coordinating the team and the work of the editorial staff, representing the journal at various institutional levels, and disseminating the publication. The editorial board—together with the director and editors—is responsible for the initial review of the works and maintaining contact with the authors and reviewers until the article's eventual publication, with the aim of ensuring the quality of the published works. The editorial committee is a support body made up of national and international professors and researchers with recognized experience. The editors are responsible for reviewing the final texts and ensuring that the bibliography is correctly cited. Finally, the designer is responsible for the layout and graphics of the journal in its online and PDF formats.

The Journal of Visual Anthropology is aimed at academics, researchers, students, and the general public interested in these topics.

Editorial Structure
The journal's editorial structure includes the following sections: Articles, Interviews, Videos, and Book Reviews. The publication's objective is to contribute to the development of visual anthropology from various fields. Thus, the different sections aim to provide an overview of the development of visual anthropology and visual studies in general, both in Chile and Latin America.

© Revista de Antropología Visual

Creative Commons
The Revista de Antropología Visual (RAV) provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle of:

- Offering the public free access to research.

- Encouraging a greater global exchange of knowledge.

- The Journal does not charge authors for submitting, processing, and publishing their articles.

The RAV is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license and adheres to the Bethesda Declaration on Open Access Publishing and the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

All works published in the Journal of Visual Anthropology (ISSN 2452-5189) are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. Authors retain ownership of their work and may republish their articles elsewhere, provided they indicate that the work was originally published in the Journal of Visual Anthropology.






Diego Barros Arana Research Center, National Library, National Cultural Heritage Service, Ministry of Culture, Arts, and Heritage.

The Journal of Visual Anthropology is listed in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIHPLUS) and Latindex Catalog 2.0.

Reception of Papers
All contributions and papers submitted to the RAV must adhere to editorial standards. Once received, the editorial team sends them to the members of the editorial board, who determine whether they proceed to the external peer review phase (see IV. Evaluation Process).