Una alpaca de cuatro garras.

The present article refers to a non-existent being. Rather, to the representation of an animal that does not exist. Nevertheless, for the Europeans of the XVIth and XVIIth century, the presence of the alpaca of four claws in any chronicles of trips was not deserving doubts. If it was in the paper, it existed in the reality of the American lands.

One or more drawings realized by an anonymous Dutch, during the year 1643 or with posteriority to this date, contributed in the creation of an image of the alpaca of four claws that was circulating in Europe. This testimony was realized by someone who “was there “. Nevertheless, will this “credit been there” be a sufficient proof of the veracity of the testimony?

The challenge will be, then, to treat every testimony critically, avoiding the generalities and to give for the veracity of the sources seated.

Palabras Claves
Peter Mason. Maestría en Literae Humaniores (Filología y Cultura Antigua) por la Universidad de Oxford Inglaterra y es Doctor en Antropología, por la Universidad de Utrecht (Países Bajos).
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 13 - Santiago, junio 2009 - 1/16 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.