Hacia un cine indígena como metáfora de la memoria de un pueblo y de su resistencia.

The authoress reports her long fight next to Colombian indigenous groups of and her narrow relation with CLACPI, mainly focused in the audiovisual formation processes of indigenous people of countries in Latin America. Her participation in the Movimiento de Cine Político and her formation with Jean Rouch's Ethnographic Cinema, led her to propose an Indigenous Video with a strong social commitment and to fulfill needs of those indigenous communities. She is one of the founders of CLACPI and has been a main actor in the transformations experimented by the organization, as well as the achievement of some of the principal aims proposed in the beginnings: the transfer of the coordination to indigenous hands. Thus, it goes from doing audio-visual productions "on" aborigines to "from" their own involvement in order to support the identitary processes, and the rememoration of their cultural history and resistance.

Palabras Claves
Politic Cinema Movement
New Latin American Cinema
Jean Rouch
Fundación Cine Documental.
Marta Rodríguez. Antropóloga, realizadora audiovisual. Fundadora de la Fundación Cine Documental – Investigación Social.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 21 - Santiago, junio 2013 - 64/79 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.