Usando el audiovisual como una estrategia de sobrevivencia y de lucha, de creación y recreación de un imaginario propio.

This article recounts the process that Bolivia has experienced in the development of communication as a right for the indigenous and rural people. The Centro de Formación y Realización Cinematográfico, CEFREC, has inherited a tradition that was born from the influence of the history of bolivian Cinema, community radio, and from the mining cinema and the popular video movement of the 80’s, 90’s and today with the CAIB, Coordinadora Audiovisual Indigena Originaria de Bolivia, lead the indigenous communication processes. This has been a useful process in producing fighting strategies, influence, dialogue and cultural defense starting from the communication with an emphasis in the collectiveness. In the year 1992 they become part of CLACPI in order to participate in a wider movement of indigenous communication to reinforce the continent, as well as to contribute in the internal processes of every country. Example of this was the creation in 1996 of the Plan Nacional Indígena Originario de Comunicación Audiovisual in Bolivia that born from the accomplishment of the Fifth Festival Latinoamericano de Cine y Video de Pueblos Indígenas, has given place, since 2006 to the birth of the Sistema Plurinacional Indígena Originario Campesino Intercultural.

Palabras Claves
indigenous communicators
self-generate processes
Festival de la Serpiente
Agencia Plurinacional de Comunicación
Red Regional Abya Yala.
Iván Sanjinés Saavedra. Comunicador y cineasta. Fundador de CEFREC.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 21 - Santiago, junio 2013 - 32/50 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.