¿Haciendo videos?

The idea of this article is to reflect on the implications and meanings of making the documentary "La Reina del Aconcagua" for both filmed and filming. The documentary deals in parallel with two axes; on the one hand, the celebration of the feast of the Virgin of Petorquita, to which the confraternities of Chinese dances attend (musicians and dancers from peasant villages and fishermen of central Chile) and on the other hand the conversations of the Chinese of the dance of "Pucalán" who tell their stories, experiences and problems. The text also discusses the importance of the exhibition and circulation of this documentary among Chinese people from different places, as a tool that has allowed the dissemination and preservation of this legendary tradition.

Palabras Claves
Audiovisual creation
chilean rituals
Claudio Mercado. Licenciado en Antropología con mención en Arqueología. Magister en Musicología, Universidad de Chile. Museo chileno de Arte Precolombino.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 3 - Santiago, Julio 2003 - 143/167 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.