Resignificaciones culturales: de la imagen globalizada del superhéroe a la imagen de los pueblos originarios chilenos en las editoriales Mitómano cómics y Nük Cómics.

In the current context of comics in Chile, we observe that the superhero genre has acquired importance, to a large extent, by representing characters that take their identity and graphic narrative from cultures originating from the country. In this article, some of these visual representations are analyzed, based on the intersection between the editorial point of view, art and the narrative presented in each comic, to which a reflection is incorporated from concepts coming from both visual anthropology and of the visual economy. The latter allows us to give new readings to the theme, taking as examples the cases of the publishing house Mitomano Cómics and Nük Cómics, as they intertwine current social phenomena and the world of cartoons.

Palabras Claves
visual anthropology
visual economy
fiction-hooking device
José Manuel Vera Palacios. Licenciado en Educación, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. Magíster en Estudios de la Imagen, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Investigador independiente, Profesor en Liceo Antonio Hermida Fabres.
Revista de Antropología Visual - número 32 - Santiago, 2024 -1/15 pp.- ISSN 2452-5189