La construcción política de las imágenes. Representaciones de la “lucha de clases” y del “pueblo” en La batalla de Chile.

This text analyzes the representations that the documentary The Battle of Chile makes about the Salvador Allende government (1970-1973) focusing on two central and interrelated aspects: the “class struggle” that according to the director of the film, Patricio Guzmán, motorized the revolutionary process developed in Chile and the “people” as a collective subject that was carrying out these social transformations. From a methodology that contemplates the filmic analysis with the testimony of the subjects, we will try to take into account the film strategies (use of the camera and montage) used to achieve these representations and the ideological discourses that were entangled with them.


Palabras Claves
Images policy
The battle of Chile
Popular Unity government
class struggle
Natacha Scherbovsky. Licenciada en antropología (UNR). Magister en Antropología Visual y Documental Antropológico (FLACSO- Ecuador). Becaria Conicet para el Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales (UBA). Docente de la cátedra Antropología Visual (Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, UNR).
Revista de Antropología Visual - número 28 - Santiago, 2020 -1/22 pp.- ISSN 2452-5189