La constelación del castigo. Trayectos de la fotografía criminal en la cultura visual chilena del entresiglo.

This article explores the participation of photography in the construction of what Alan Sekula named a "criminal body", paying special attention to the Chilean case. From the early photography made in prison and police spaces to the images of criminals published by mass magazines, we analyze the transformations of the representation of the criminal subject between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth, in a Chile that was trying to modernize the State and its institutions. The corpus analyzed allows us to review strategies before and after the installation of the Bertillon method and to argue that the image of an unwanted other could only be constructed by relationship and contrast with a repertoire of images inserted in the tradition of bourgeois photographic portraiture, cultivated during the nineteenth century.

Palabras Claves
criminal photography
criminal body
chilean photographic portrait
Cecilia Rodríguez Lehmann. Doctora en Letras Hispánicas por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Profesora del Instituto de Lengua y Literatura de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Este artículo es producto del Fondecyt Regular “El álbum fotográfico y el cuerpo (des) ordenado en el entresiglo en Chile (XIX-XX)”, N° 1231689.
Ana María Risco. Doctora en filosofía, con mención en estética y teoría del arte por la Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Arte y el Centro de Estudios Mediales de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de UAH.
Revista de Antropología Visual - número 32 - Santiago, 2024 -1/20 pp.- ISSN 2452-5189