20-36 pp.
Sergio Martínez Luna.
Territory and identity in the glance of its inhabitants. Contributions of photo elicitation to the approach of the Huarpe ethnic production in Mendoza (Argentina) .
Territory and identity in the glance of its inhabitants. Contributions of photo elicitation to the approach of the Huarpe ethnic production in Mendoza (Argentina) .
115-147 pp.
Beatriz Nussbaumer.
Carlos Cowan Ros.
Symbolic Reconfiguration of territory in an Amazonian Indigenous Community.
Symbolic Reconfiguration of territory in an Amazonian Indigenous Community.
91-114 pp.
Ronald Fernando Quintana Arias.
Na lavill´llaGa´c qataq nalquii na qarhuo:Notes on a participative video experience with young indigenous toba in Formosa, Argentina.
Na lavill´llaGa´c qataq nalquii na qarhuo:Notes on a participative video experience with young indigenous toba in Formosa, Argentina.
68-90 pp.
Soledad Torres Agüero.