Representations of african and afro-descendents in the argentina society. Analysis of drawings of police officers from the province of Buenos Aires.
Representations of african and afro-descendents in the argentina society. Analysis of drawings of police officers from the province of Buenos Aires.
46-78 pp.
Orlando Gabriel Morales.
Semiotics of the image in archaeology: the case of the "escutiformes".
Semiotics of the image in archaeology: the case of the "escutiformes".
21-45 pp.
Alvaro Martel.
Silvia Giraudo.
Inventories of civilization. Geopolitics of the knowledge and zooanthropological exhibitions in constructing the modern colonial world.
Inventories of civilization. Geopolitics of the knowledge and zooanthropological exhibitions in constructing the modern colonial world.
46-67 pp.
Fernando M. Sánchez.
The remembered absence. Collective memory of a coffee-growing people.
The remembered absence. Collective memory of a coffee-growing people.
107-133 pp.
María Alejandra Pérez Alonso.