In and out of frame. Representation and alterity in Chilean indigenous photography.
In and out of frame. Representation and alterity in Chilean indigenous photography.
1-41 pp.
Margarita Alvarado.
Carla Möller.
Houses, cabins and tents: the housing of the Innu people of Sheshatshiu, Labrador, Canada.
Houses, cabins and tents: the housing of the Innu people of Sheshatshiu, Labrador, Canada.
164-184 pp.
Carolina Tytelman.
Damián Castro.
133-163 pp.
Everardo Garduño.
Carolina Mata.
Alejandra Navarro.
Theoretical and methodological reflections on the use of photography in social research: Middle-class identities and piquetera memory in the Pueyrredón Bridge (Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, 2002-2009).
Theoretical and methodological reflections on the use of photography in social research: Middle-class identities and piquetera memory in the Pueyrredón Bridge (Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, 2002-2009).
95-118 pp.
Ana Laura Lobo.
76-94 pp.
Mónica Villarroel.
The monstrous and the fragmented body: the New World as a place of violence. A reading of Theodore De Bry´s work within the construction of the colonial image.
The monstrous and the fragmented body: the New World as a place of violence. A reading of Theodore De Bry´s work within the construction of the colonial image.
1-29 pp.
Daniel Egaña.